Tappeti Vintage in un appartamento arredato a Monaco.

I tappeti Vintage sono una scelta popolare per gli interior designer che vogliono arredare anche gli appartamenti più di lusso secondo gli standard più alti. I nostri clienti sono molto spesso aziende d'interior design e architetti che vogliono l'innovazione per i loro progetti. In questa casa progettata di livello superiore a Monaco può esserci solo il meglio, per clienti molto esigenti. I tappeti vintage devono conformarsi ai criteri di massima qualità Persiana fatta a mano. Dovevano essere anche di taglie extra large per adattarsi al tavolo da pranzo lungo 4 metri. Questi tappeti extra large sono diventati molto difficili e rari da reperire.  

The Swiss based interior design team at Esko selected vintagecarpets.com for the fifth time. They have found us to be a reliable partner. We provided our assistance with finding the perfect carpets for their clients. They rewarded us with these amazing pictures of the final work. We are very glad and proud to share them with our customers and readers.

We at vintagecarpets.com only deal in the highest quality and best vintage overdyed carpets. The distressed look in our vintage carpets are what give our traditional carpets the perfect used look. Our overdyed carpets combine effortlessly with all styles of furniture. The simple look of too many carpets has become frankly a tired look that does not last the test of time.

We are very thankful for our growing and loyal list of interior design companies that collaborate with us and recommend our vintage carpets and website to their customers and friends. We are confident that you will also find your perfect vintage carpets, in all the colours possible, in our collection of over 5,000 unique carpets.


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